Sunday, May 16, 2010

Three Approved GMO Crops Linked to Organ Damage, New Study Shows

Key Ideas:
  • A new study shows that three variations of GM corn are linked to organ damage in mammals.
  • The three varieties in question are Mon 810, Mon 863, and NK 603 - all of which are Monsanto products.
  • Each of the three strains produced differing amounts of adverse impact, but the impact on vital organs was universal for all three GM crops.
  • Monsanto didn't follow the standard protocol when carrying out their studies, so some controversy emerged from the results of the tests.
  • CRIIGEN says that these crops are very dangerous and should be banned from import and export.
I chose this story because I think that the subject of GMOs is a controversial issue that should be discussed. I believe that these chemicals should not be used at all. In fact, I believe that all foods shouldn't be genetically modified at all, except in trying to feed those people who are malnourished in places like Africa. Even in those instances, tests should be conducted to make sure that they will not harm them. This story implies that people could be seriously internally damaged if something isn't done about this soon. Also, people should be more careful in choosing what they do and do not eat. I'm going to try to make better decisions with what I eat from now on. No person should have to suffer on account of a company trying to make a profit. This course helped me to understand this topic because we studied GMOs.

MLA: Turpan, Aaron. "Three Approved GMO Crops Linked to Organ Damage, New Study Shows." Independent News on Natural Health, Nutrition and More. 13 Jan. 2010. Web.

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