Sunday, April 11, 2010

Agency Proposed U.S.-Paid Research on Stem Cells

Key Ideas
  • The National Institutes of Health is proposing to enable researchers to work with cells taken from an early human egg.
  • If the proposal gets approved, it would be among the first clinical tests of embryonic stem cells.
  • The N.I.H. proposes to approve the cell lines created from blastomeres, the cells generated after the fertilized egg’s first few divisions.
  • Researchers at Advanced Cell Technology have learned how to convert embryonic stem cells from blastomeres into the special cells that form the basement of the retina.
  • Another company, Geron, received F.D.A. approval for a clinical trial to test human embryonic stem cells to treat spinal cord injury.


I don’t really know much about stem cell research. This article gave me a sense of what was going on. This story implies that stem cell research is becoming more accepted by people in our country. I don’t have an opinion about stem cell research yet, but I think that once I learn more about it, I’ll be able to share my views about it. I think that the people who want the proposal mentioned in the article to be passed will profit from it if it ends up being passed. The trial for this case should be an interesting one because there are different viewpoints involved in this issue, both moral and economical. This article was kind of boring for me to read, but it helped me understand the stem cells a little bit better. This course helped me to understand this topic because we studied stem cells and stem cell research.

MLA: Wade, Nicholas. "Agency Proposes U.S.-Paid Research on Stem Cells -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 19 Feb. 2010. Web. .

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