Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monsanto's Legal Wins Are Just the Beginning

Key Ideas:

  • Monsanto got a favorable ruling in its dispute with rival DuPont on Friday when a judge ruled that DuPont's new line of seeds violates its licensing contract with Monsanto.
  • DuPont licensed Monsanto's Roundup Ready trait, but the terms of the contract preclude DuPont from combining the trait with herbicide-resistant.
  • Monsanto is developing a super corn but doesn't want rivals combining their herbicide-resistant traits with Roundup Ready.
  • Monsanto's other win on Friday came when the Supreme Court agreed to review a case in which a lower court ruled that the U.S. government couldn't approve Monsanto's genetically modified alfalfa without conducting an environmental review.
  • A win in front of the Supreme Court could help Monsanto get its products on the market sooner, but it could also help rivals if environmental requirements are relaxed.


I chose this particular story because I recognized the name Monsanto from the “Harvest of Fear” video, and I wanted to see what has been happening to Monsanto recently. This story can imply that Monsanto has plans for the future, and that genetically modified foods might become more prevalent in the world. The Supreme Court was a part of this issue, and I found that interesting because I didn’t know that genetic modifications were that big of a deal until I watched the video and read this article. I’m kind of surprised because this topic fascinates me more than I expected, and it makes me think twice before buying certain foods. This course helped me to understand this topic because we studied GMOs and Monsanto is one of the leading companies in GM crops and foods.

MLA: Orelli, Brian. "Monsanto's Legal Wins Are Just The Beginning." Latest Top Stories ./ 19 Jan. 2010. Web.

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